Compliance Blog, Gambia

Gambia Tax Table Update

Gambia Tax Table Update

On 13 December 2024, the Honourable Seedy K.M. Keita, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, delivered the 2025 National Budget to the National Assembly. The approval process by the National Assembly concluded on 16 December 2024.

The tax-free threshold for personal income tax has been increased from D24 000.00 per annum to D36 000.00 per annum.

Click here to access the full Budget Speech.

Tax Table Update 2025 

The new thresholds and rates, as set out below, are applicable from 01 January 2025.


Lower Income Limit Upper Income Limit Income Threshold Marginal


Tax on Threshold
0.00 36 000.00 0.00 0% 0.00
36 000.00 46 000.00 36 000.00 5% 0.00
46 000.00 56 000.00 46 000.00 10% 500.00
56 000.00 66 000.00 56 000.00 15% 1 500.00
66 000.00 76 000.00 66 000.00 20% 3 000.00
76 000.00 999 9999 999.99 76 000.00 25% 5 000.00

Should you have any questions regarding the Gambia Tax Table Update , please feel free to visit our Support page for more ways to get in touch, or email us at [email protected]

The PaySpace Team