Performance Management

Our comprehensive performance management tool will assist your organisation in assessing your employees and ultimately help to develop, motivate and retain a high performing workforce all year round without the need to use a separate appraisal system.
PaySpace Performance Management Screen

Key Performance Management features our customers love

Standard KPA templates per position, business unit, division, company etc.

Custom defined scale values, descriptions and explanations

Multiple process types to cater for monthly/quarterly/bi-annual and annual reviews

Custom defined succession planning questions and response types

Pre-defined templates and raters per employee, ensuring minimal administrative maintenance

Multiple rate types (manager/self/peers/other) with different weightings

Quick (30 seconds) process to kick off evaluation process

Ability to add secondary scale (for additional feedback to report on)

Define access such as who is allowed to create and maintain KPI’s (manager or employees), see weightings and see historical scores and details

Individual based PDF reporting with detailed scores and comments per KPI

Quick view of historical overall scores and progress per employee

Company level reporting of scores, detailed KPI’s, progress and more

Key Incident Management features our customers love

Capture and maintain multiple incident types such as disciplinaries, appeals, conciliations, arbitrations, grievances and more
Upload supporting documentation
Link incidents to each other in order to track the full history of related incidents
Create custom incident types
Capture discussions for record purposes
PaySpace Warranty Documentation
Easily report on all incidents within selected dates

Performance Management for any size business

We have created a powerful combination of features that is easy to use and affordable for any size business. It is equally important to have a performance appraisal process in place for a small business as it is for a large organisation and by using PaySpace’s evaluation module, clients will have the benefit of powerful software traditionally only available to large organisations simply due to the cost implications.

Employee performance appraisals shouldn’t be a dreaded task that yields a lot of paperwork and little value for your organisation. PaySpace guarantee that their evaluation tool will greatly streamline performance appraisal processes within an organisation and reduce HR’s administrative burden.

Moving from a paper-based to an electronic performance appraisal system saves time, money and significantly improves the evaluation process for both the employee and the organisation.

PaySpace Performance Management module lets you:

Become the master of your payroll

To sign up or answer any of your questions on how PaySpace can streamline your payroll, contact one of our friendly sales staff. 
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