Leave Management
Managing employee leave can be a taxing task
Managing employee leave can be a taxing task. Requests come through constantly and someone must respond to them, make sure that staff don’t all take leave on the same days and record the various dates in the company’s payroll system.
With PaySpace, you can set up an employee leave management system that practically runs itself!
Looking for your payslip? You are in the wrong place. Head to the Employee Self Service portal:
Register or reset your password or login here,
alternatively contact your HR team.

Key Features of Leave Management
Unlimited leave types
Multiple schemes to cater for different contract types
Accruals are based on the length of service, grade based, or a combination of both
Hourly/Daily/Monthly accruals
Forfeiture rules (move to a different bucket and/or forfeit)
Proration upon termination/new engagement
Suppressing of accrual before/after a specified date
Enforcing of attachments before/after weekends or public holidays
Enforcing of attachments after specified consecutive days
Different workflow paths per leave type
Become the master of your payroll
More About The PaySpace Leave Management System
Simplistic & Complex Leave Administration

The PaySpace Leave Module is all-encompassing and extremely easy to use. Whether a company offers the standard statutory leave accruals or if requirements are more advanced; such as multiple annual leave types with complex non-accumulative forfeiture rules, PaySpace can manage your leave processes while integrating to Payroll seamlessly.
Access to Information

Employees can view current and projected leave balances when applying for leave, cancel leave, attach any supporting documentation to leave requests as well as channel a leave request through an approval path according to simple reporting lines. More advanced workflow configurations are also available where administrators can define unlimited workflow approval paths.
Great Flexibility

PaySpace deliver pre-configured statutory leave on top of which users can also configure as many additional leave types as necessary in accordance with simple or complicated leave policies. Leave can be given upfront or accrued in units such as days or hours. More advanced accrual definitions can be based on length of service or salary grade.
Forfeiture rules are flexible and can be configured to drop off completely, or shift leave to different leave buckets based on anniversary date or a fixed date for all employees.
Advanced settings allow users to restrict negative leave, only accrue leave for new employees if they joined before a certain day of the month, the ability to toggle mandatory attachments and much more.
Seamless Integration with Payroll

Automated accurate payroll leave provision calculations are fed directly via the leave administration module where any fluctuation in employee leave balances translate into accurate provision costing for budget purposes. Upon termination, automated leave encashment options can be utilised where the user can firstly, view the amount of leave pay, perform the necessary pay-out, and reduce the leave balance accordingly – all in a single action.
Vast flexibility is also available with regards to defining leave pay income. Although the BCEA averaging leave pay income requirement is a standard delivered feature within the product, PaySpace allow the user more flexibility around averaging options.