API Integration
Looking for your payslip? You are in the wrong place. Head to the Employee Self Service portal:
Register or reset your password or login here,
alternatively contact your HR team.
PaySpace API Integration / Web Services Integration makes it easy for customers and developers to integrate PaySpace with a variety of 3rd party applications including existing on-premise solutions. With a complement of Simple Object Access Protocol [SOAP] web services, it is easy to integrate with PaySpace the way you need it most.
API Integration Key Benefits & Features
- Web services integration for core employee operations.
- Real-time transactional and master data integration.
- Enables you to leverage existing skills such as Microsoft .NET or Java or any other development language that supports SOAP-based web services.
- Ability to track data transactions for audit purposes and reliable integrations.
- Comprehensive error handling that returns errors per employee request.
- Manage web service requests by using standard PaySpace authentication, authorisation and encryption.
Examples of what customers do with PaySpace integration web services:
- Push employee data into PaySpace from global ERP products such as SAP, Oracle and Successfactors.
- Retrieve calculated payslip values to use for reporting purposes in 3rd party products.
- Pull new employee data or data that has changed to populate 3rd party applications, ERP solutions or intranet environments.
- Pull employee data to populate Active Directory or to de-activate user profiles when terminated.
- Pull leave transaction data to populate time and attendance solutions.
- Pull general ledger details to feed accounting systems.