Standard Reporting
Naturally Intelligent
PaySpace comes with the ability to view, analyse, and take action on data right from the source in real-time. Anyone can use our packaged reports to get the answers they need to do their jobs more effectively.
Types of reports range from various costing reports, HR related reports such as new engagements and terminations, leave balances report, training reports, employment equity reports, Payroll reports include variance reports between periods, garnishee reports, group life and pension reports, SDL and UIF reports and much more. All reports can be drawn in a number of formats including Excel and PDF.
Users are able to draw reports for data they have access permissions to and filter the data based on the organisation structure. Users are also able to schedule reports so that they are delivered to their email at the close of every period automatically. These reports are secured in a password protected zip file ensuring confidentiality.
Looking for your payslip? You are in the wrong place. Head to the Employee Self Service portal:
Register or reset your password or login here,
alternatively contact your HR team.
Accurate Historical Data
Reporting on historical data is instant, there is no need to restore any backups to retrieve information. PaySpace has the ability to report on historical data based on an “as at” date, this means that reports being pulled for previous months will reflect data as if you were physically pulling the report in the past. For example, if an employee’s cost center changed in June, the report will reflect the old cost center for reports pulled for periods before June and the new cost center for reports pulled after June. There is no need to implement an expensive business intelligence solution to access historical information.
Cloud Analytics
Cloud Analytics is a self-service business intelligence (BI) platform that allows users to interact with their people data to generate insight in ways you never imagined possible. Cloud Analytics associative experience provides answers as fast as you can think up questions. Uncover hidden trends, pursue insights and make discoveries that drive innovative decisions – all from your browser.