As per the MRA, the minimum and maximum basic wage or salary on which contributions to the National Savings Fund (NSF) are payable, has been adjusted as from 01 July 2023.
Click here for more details.
NSF Ceiling July 2023
The NSF Minimum and Maximum Basic Wage or Salary on which contributions to the National Savings Fund are payable have been increased to the latest rates effective 01 July 2023.
Impact of the Mauritius NSF Ceiling on PaySpace
• The Minimum and Maximum Thresholds have been implemented effective 01 July 2023 on the system.
• Mauritius payrolls will be recalculated once the Annual Tax changes (release 55290) have been released.
• Customers are advised not to close their July 2023 payrolls until the Annual Tax changes have been released.
Should you have any questions regarding the Mauritius NSF Ceiling, please feel free to visit our Support page for more ways to get in touch, or email us at [email protected]
The PaySpace Team