Compliance Blog

DRC Annual Tax Amendments

DRC Annual Tax Amendments

The Finance Law N°23/056 of 10 December 2023 for the 2024 tax year has been promulgated by the President. This law is effective as of 1 January 2024.

Please take note of the following changes for payroll:

  • Modification of Article 18 de la Loi n 004/2003 of 13 March 2003, which states that employers are expected to file the Annual Recapitulative return by the 15th of February and no longer the 15th of January.
  • Modification of Article 48, where a 4th paragraph is added to the exemption schedule, which states that monetary bonuses accompanying official testimonials and other honors that are awarded to a salaried employee during his or her career are exempt.
  • Modification of Article 84.4 which has increased the minimum tax value. IRPP may not be less than 2 500.00 CFCA per month (was 2 000.00 CFCA).
  • Modification of Article 84 bis of Ordinance-Law no. 69/009 of 10 February 1969 relating to income tax, is amended and supplemented as follows: Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 84, permanent and non-permanent bonuses, food and other benefits paid to State employees and civil servants shall be subject to a professional rate of 3%. Permanent and non-permanent bonuses, food and other benefits paid to members of political institutions and similar bodies, the list of which is determined by regulation, are taxed at the rate of 15%.
  • Modification of Article 4 of the Ordonnance n 69/007 of 10 February 1969. Where the exceptional tax on the remuneration of expatriate staff (IERE), may not be lower than the guaranteed minimum wage in the country of origin of the recipient of the remuneration.

Click here for the Finance Law N°23/056.

Impact of the DRC Annual Tax Amendments on PaySpace

  • The minimum tax amount has been increased from 2 000.00 to 2 500.00 CFCA on the system effective 01 January 2024.
  • All open payrolls have been recalculated.
  • Manual adjustments for January or February may be captured on the IPR Adjustment component on the next open run.
  • To include the tax adjustment in an interim run, please follow Release Note #61593 for an enhancement to be released soon.
  • Please follow Release Note #61466 for the changes to the IERE calculation change for Expatriate employees.

Should you have any questions regarding the DRC Annual Tax Amendments, please feel free to visit our Support page for more ways to get in touch, or email us at [email protected]

The PaySpace Team