As a payroll manager navigating today’s highly competitive international business arena, it’s critical that you stay on top of your game to make your role invaluable.
International organisations are increasingly choosing to manage their global payroll needs from one central location or entrust it to a single service provider. This doesn’t mean that the role of the payroll department will soon be redundant, but it will reduce theirs and HR teams’ administrative workload – allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks that add greater value to the business.
This means that, as a payroll manager, you will need to start stepping out of your comfort zone and develop the right skills, knowledge and attitude to collaborate more effectively – both within your department and externally. This will enable you to add more value to your business through strategic thinking and data-driven recommendations.
We’ve put together an eBook that teaches Payroll Managers all they need to know about the state of global payroll today, and what it will mean for the future of their job. It covers:
- Globalisation and increased outsourcing
- Payroll data protection
- Evolution of the payroll administrator
- Team collaboration and ESS
- Technology eco-systems
- What this means for the payroll manager
Download our Payroll manager’s guide to global payroll now, or get in touch with our team for more information.