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Best Practice – all the time and everytime

Delivering and enabling best practice people management, consistently is what all senior executives want. Doing that cost effectively has generally been achieved by smart use of technology and effective deployment of self service capability. PaySpace is underpinned by a robust business process automation system (BPMS) for Business Process Workflow. Our BPMS provides the ability to structure, manage, and track the activities that occur regularly, PaySpace innovatively addresses a problem that traditional systems have failed to solve. BPMS workflows can be configured to match the differing requirements of specific organisations, while still being recorded in a single, central system for review or audit.

Some examples include:

Leave Applications

Leave applications can be sent via different approval paths based on leave type i.e. Annual Leave, Sick Leave etc. An employee can track the status and who the application currently sits with at any time. When the last person in the approval chain approves the application it is immediately committed and the employees leave balance is adjusted accordingly.

Employee Expense Claims

Employees can submit various expense claims for re-imbursement relating to, amongst others, travel, cellular calls, entertainment or even capture details relating to overtime worked. Specific detail can be recorded for each claim such as date, client, km’s travelled and rate per km for re-imbursive travel. Depending on the role of an employee, workflow rules can be configured to move through a different number of approval steps i.e. a team manager may require an expense claim to move through 3 approval steps whereas a general manager may only require claims to be approved by 2 people. Employees are also able to attach documentation relating to the claim.

The capturing of expense claims by the payroll department is usually a tedious task that involves sifting through huge amounts of paperwork, spreadsheets and emails which poses a huge security risk in terms of unsecure data flying around the company. Furthermore, the information usually needs to be manually consolidated and imported via a batch facility to reflect on an employee’s payslip.

PaySpace eliminates this entire manual process by immediately updating an employee’s payslip when the last person in the approval chain commits the details – at the click of a button.

General Employee Requests

PaySpace provides a general requests facilty whereby employees or managers are able to select a pre-defined company template that they can fill in and attach to a request. Depending on the type of request, it will be workflowed to the various stakeholders for approval. Some examples are change of cost centers or reporting lines, training requests, banking details changes or any other process your company requires to be approved and audited for future reference.

Commission Calculator

PaySpace gives a company the opportunity to have their commission rules configured directly on the PaySpace platform. This means that PaySpace will automatically calculate the commission due to an employee based on various input options. For example, if a salesperson is paid on number of units sold and must also take into account if he has taken leave in order to pay an average for the leave days taken, PaySpace can automatically calculate this and send it on for approval.

Transparency at all times

Power users are able to monitor the status of any workflow item at all times by checking with whom they are sitting, history of who approved or rejected an item and all values relating to the item.

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