Limitless Leave? I joined PaySpace because their vision and mission resonated with me, deeply. A company dedicated to accelerating the transition to global cloud Payroll and HR; improving lives through technology with a vision to become the leading cloud-native payroll and HCM solution providing global payroll and employee mobility solutions.
In terms of the SaaS and Outsourcing solutions we offer, there will be no stopping us to realise this vision. PaySpace solutions allow our customers to manage their people and process their payroll using a single instance, multi-tenant cloud platform with multi-country currencies, languages, and legislation. And, with an internet connection, our customers can work from anywhere.
But a great product offer alone does not make the company. On a more fundamental level, I knew immediately that we needed to value the backbone of our organisation first: my colleagues.
We are immensely proud of the talent we employ at PaySpace. Our employees are knowledgeable, passionate, and take pride in their work. In return, we aim to ensure a fantastic work environment where our people love their jobs and love working with us.
The nature and infrastructure of our work allowed PaySpace to seamlessly make the transition to working from home overnight in 2020. With a remote working policy in place, we experienced first-hand how the lines between work and our personal lives began to blur. We soon realised that it was no longer reasonable or practical to expect our people to work specifically between the strict hours of 8 and 5.
Our values
Our customers matter most, and this core value meant looking after our internal customers – our employees. With the multitude of external pressures we all faced over the last year, we were especially concerned for our employees’ wellbeing.
I sat with HR and our shareholders and together we brainstormed strategies to protect our colleagues. Ours is a fast-paced, performance-driven business and industry. Combine this with remote working, and hours worked can quickly snowball out of control. We decided to offer the flexibility that is so central to managing our lives since a global pandemic struck by giving employees the time off from work that they require and introduced a Limitless Leave policy.
The premise is simple: get your work done and take paid time off.
The truth is, when employees are overworked, stressed-out, and burnt out the ramifications are felt far and wide – from their homes to your organisation to your customers.
Our commitment to innovation extends beyond developing world-class SaaS solutions to re-thinking age-old traditional HR policies. When you are not tracking every minute your employees are working to get the job done on time, should it matter when or where they work? We wanted to emphasise the trust we are placing in our employees to manage their workloads. We also wanted to empower our employees in their personal growth and show them support through their challenges.
Limitless leave responsibility
Still, with great freedom comes great responsibility. We are accountable, taking full ownership of our responsibilities and working proactively to honour our commitments. While a large part of our internal culture involves being passionate and knowledgeable when it comes to our work, we’re really only able to look after our customers as well as we’re looking after ourselves. When we look after ourselves, we can deliver our best, and when we deliver our best, we are best serving our external customers.
We are building a business to empower our customers and deliver solutions allowing them more freedom. With our colleagues entrusted and encouraged to take as much time off as they need, Limitless leave is just one of the many initiatives we are taking to increase colleague morale, creativity, productivity and customer satisfaction.